The EU energy transition

While the European Union has both expanded its borders and its capabilities, it has also interconnected its energy markets. Now member states are trying to clean up their energy sectors.


Renewable energy in the European Union

Renewable energy is making progress in the EU, but it is uneven across member countries.

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The European Energy Union

Energy has become a core issue for the European Union. However, the EU does not have an exclusive competence in this field. Making it a shared competence in the Lisbon Treaty of 2009 was a bold move forward, but it remains a natural field of conflict between Member States and many EU institutions.

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History of the EU Energy Union

In the EU, an Energy Union is emerging from a bewildering array of packages, policies, projects and proposals. They map the shift from concern over how energy markets function to efforts to promote renewables and curb greenhouse gas emissions.

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Emissions trading (EU-ETS)

An Europe-wide emissions trading system (EU-ETS) puts a limit on emissions for the long term. It aims to lower greenhouse gas emissions in industry, the power sector, and most recently the aviation sector.

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