German Green party
The German green party (in German: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) is dedicated to climate protection. The guidelines of the party are environmental policies based on ecological, economic and social sustainability.
The German green party (in German: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) is dedicated to climate protection. The guidelines of the party are environmental policies based on ecological, economic and social sustainability.
The timeline of the main historic events in Germany’s Energiewende
Germany has had an “energy tax” or environmental tax on gasoline since 2006. The money raised from gas taxes is mostly used to offset pensions and payroll taxes.
Germany began switching to renewables in the early 1990s. Nowadays, onshore wind power is the cheapest source of new renewable power and made up around 20 percent of the country’s power production in 2018.
The German nuclear phaseout (in German: Atomausstieg) is the discontinuation of using nuclear power for energy; Germany will shut down its last nuclear power plant in 2022.